Scholarships, subsidized housing and tax reliefs. Make sure to get all the information you need!
Don’t give up on your education and formation! See if any of these measures could help you achieve your formation in school or at university.




If you attend a school of the national education system and are now facing some kind of economic difficulty, there are some measures that could help you and your family:

  • Scholarships
  • Book vouchers and book supply,
  • Food, transportation, subsidies
  • Subsidies for students with disabilities or underprivileged people

Go to the website devoted to the right to education in Emilia-Romagna to gather further information. You will also find links for each province/metropolitan area.



Are you thinking of enrolling in a university in Emilia-Romagna and want to know if there are forms of financial aid which could help you accomplish your goal? You are in the right place!
In Emilia-Romagna we promote a system of services and interventions for young people who want to enroll in a university and also for those who have already graduated and are interested in post-graduate studies. Here is how we do it:

  • full or partial exemption from university tuition fees and dues;
  • reduced tuition program for low income students;
  • scholarships, which can vary for non residents, commuters or residents;
  • fiduciary loans, study grants and contributions (meant for the participation to international mobility programs, etc.);
  • Housing subsidies;
  • Food (cafeterias or affiliated businesses);
  • job information and orientation service;
  • paid student work (it allows you to do paid work at the university part-time for a maximum of 150 hours);

If you have special needs, don’t worry. There are measures meant to help you get your education and buy didactic devices and equipment.
If you have recently arrived to Italy, can’t speak Italian very well and do not know our educational and formation system, we offer orientation.
Go on ER.GO website, the regional agency for the right to higher education, and look at all the available services!


It is not easy to choose what to do after the end of middle school (la scuola secondaria di primo grado).

There is a wide range of possibilities you will have to carefully consider if you want to make the best choice, the one which best suits your predispositions and your projects for the future.

Do you need help make your choice?

You can contact the  Informagiovani nearest to you! Among the many services there is also the orientation and formation activity in collaboration with schools, parents and collegial bodies as well as local administrations and businesses!

First of all, though, you have to remember that you can only apply online to enroll in high school!

Your family will have to:

  • Registrar on the portal "Iscrizioni on line" (online applications)
  • Find the “codice meccanografico” (code) of the high school you intend to apply to
  • Fill out the online application form
  • Send the application electronically to only one high school
  • Print out a copy of the application receipt and keep it for possible controls

You can find this procedure explained step by step on the Ministero dell'Istruzione (Ministry of Education) website.

As you will see, you have basically to choose between two paths:



A 5 year high school (liceo, istituto tecnico or istituto professionale) to obtain a high school degree (diploma di scuola secondaria superiore)
Visit the Ufficio Scolastico Regionale (Regional Education Department) website to find the list of Istituzioni Scolastiche Statali (State Schools) of the Emilia-Romagna and that of scuole paritarie (accredited private schools) to find the right kind of school for you!



It allows you to obtain a regional accredited professional qualification and enter the job market.
You will thus enter the Sistema regionale di struzione e Formazione Professionale (IeFP) (Regional education and formation System) established by the regional law n. 5, passed on 30 June 2011. For the first year you will have to enroll in a vocational school, then you will be able to choose whether to continue your formation in school or complete the three year path with an institute for professional formation (ente di formazione professionale) with regional accreditation.

Since the academic year 2016/2017, the Region has started a IeFP fourth year trial. After the third year, pupils who have obtain their qualification can continue their formation for another year and obtain a national professional diploma. For more information, go to the portal Formazione e Lavoro (Formation and Work) on the E-R Region site.

First of all, you have to decide what you want to do in life! Would you like to work in trade or tourism? Are you looking for a job as a graphic designer or do you see yourself working in contact with nature? There are 25 professional qualifications recognized nationwide that you can obtain in Emilia-Romagna! See if among them there is the right one for you!

Or you can choose your educational path on the basis of what your Region offers. Here is a practical list of what each Province offers! Each area has activated several paths on the basis of the characteristics of the job market.  

Still in doubt? Look  at how the three-year paths are organized.



The regional law14/08 "Norme in materia di politiche per le giovani generazioni" (Legislation for youth policy) has funded and sustained some regional projects aimed at helping young men and women with their education and formation.

Some years ago, one of these projects involved, for examples, young people in Pavullo. Here you can find a report of the this experience: azioni in rete per il contrasto del fenomeno dei NEET e promozione della cittadinanza attiva (network actions to fight the NEET phenomenon and promote active citizenship)


Do you hold a high-school diploma and want to continue your formation by enhancing your professional, technical, technological, and scientific education? Are you looking for an opportunity to obtain a specific formation that will allow you to enter the job market or to get a qualification to enhance your professional skills?

If you still have doubts, take this test first to verify your orientation, otherwise you can got to the  Informagiovani closest to you! Among the various services they offer, they do orientation and formation in collaboration with schools, collegial bodies, as well as local governments and enterprises!

In 2011 the Emilia-Romagna Region established the regional Rete politecnica. Its paths are characterized by the integration among the different actors of the formation process (schools, institutes of professional formation approved by the Region, universities, research center) and enterprises, working together with their experiences and competences to the planning and realization of the activities.

The Rete politecnica offers three kinds of paths:

The Rete Politecnica constitutes one of the segments of ER Educazione e Ricerca Emilia-Romagna, the regional system – with 4 main branches, IeFP, Rete politecnica, Alta formazione e ricerca (High formation and research), Lavoro e competenze (Work and competences)– which offers doctoral students, young people who enter the job market, and those who are already working, opportunities to acquire ample and innovative professional competences, express their potentials, intelligence, creativity and talent and grow in a European dimension and in dialogue with experiences acquired somewhere else.


Degrees, benefits, job perspectives. What do you want to do in life?

Are you thinking of attending university after graduating from high school? Still don’t know what to choose? First of all take the Miur orientation test or go to the Informagiovani office closest to you!

In Emilia-Romagna there are 5 Universities:

There is also a branch of the  Politecnico di Milano in Piacenza.

Each University offers Laurea (1st level degree), Laurea Magistrale (advanced degree), Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico (single cycle degree).

If you have a disability, there are services and initiatives to help you through your educational path and help you buy didactic devices and equipment. To learn about the services at your disposal, go to the  sezione Diritto allo Studio (Right to education section) of our portal  e and to the ER.GO site, l'Azienda regionale per il diritto agli studi superiori (Regional Agency for the right to higher education).

To learn about the initiatives through which we actively collaborate with other institutions of the territory and with students like you who choose to pursue their formation in our Region, go to the following pages of the E-R Formazione e Lavoro (Formation and Work) site:


The Region finances opportunities and initiatives for post-graduate studies and research, enhancing higher education, technological transfer and starting new highly innovative enterprises.

Higher Education is one of the segments of ER Education and Research Emilia-Romagna, the regional system – constituted by 4 main branches, IeFP, Rete politecnica, Alta formazione e ricerca (Higher education and research), Lavoro e competenze (Work and competences) – which offers to doctoral students, to youth entering the job market and those who are already working, opportunities to acquire broad and innovative professional competences, to express their potentials, intelligence, creativity and talent and grow in a European dimension, in dialogue with past experiences acquired elsewhere. 



These are new centers opened within the “tecnopoli” of the main cities in Emilia-Romagna, run by Aster and financed by the Region through the Fondo Sociale Europeo (European Social Fund). These spaces were created to help young graduates join the job market and enhance the Regional competitive system in the leading sectors and the emerging ones as indicated in the Smart Specialization Strategy (S3).

AREA S3 help desks give information about:

  • Educational paths
  • Support to start an innovative company
  • Access to the “Bandi del Piano delle Alte Competenze” (Bids for Advanced Learning Plan).

But they are also informal places where students, assistant and full professors can meet with startuppers and businessmen, who share an interest for innovation, and where new opportunities and projects can be created.

AREE S3 also offer workshops, networking events and activities in collaboration with local partners promoting innovation.

If you want more information or find the AREA  S3 closest to you, visit this website.


Are you interested in getting a formation experience abroad? Would you like to learn a new language or do post-graduate work? Here are some information you can find useful.

If you are seriously considering to attend a language course abroad, we advise you to choose institutes which are member of school associations or institutes of formation. This kind of institutes guarantees basic standard thanks to regular evaluation processes on their programs and on the language outcomes. Some schools, connected to colleges or universities, can also offer more services (such as social or sport activities..) and assistance.

If you are looking for an alternative to a language course, you can consider the summer o winter school option, which are courses organized every year by universities all over the world. Classes are formed by international groups of young men and women and allow participants to study a specific subject or improve their knowledge of the language and culture of the country where they are. The experience lasts from 1 to 8 weeks and takes place during summer vacation or during wintertime. At the end of the course, students receive a participation certificate and, if recognized by the Ects, university formative credits which will be valid for their university of origin.

If you already know the language and are a high school student, you may be interested in a study period abroad. This program is meant for students between 15-18 years old, but the age range varies from country to country, therefore you should contact the agencies which organize these study periods to receive precise and detailed information. The formation period goes from a minimum of 2 months to a maximum of one year.

Here are some Italian institutions and agencies, active in Emilia-Romagna, which organize study periods abroad:

To support your formation abroad, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and international cooperation offers opportunities and scholarships. To get more information, click here.

From January 2014 you can find all the educational and mobility paths of the European Union as part of the Erasmus+ program which involves a series of services for those who want to move to another country in Europe to study, to take a training or do other experiences (work, volunteering).  To get more information see our section here.

If you attend university, you know that you have the possibility to do part of your courses abroad, by joining international exchange programs or to receive funding for internships, training or research for your dissertation.

University students whose degrees can lead to a diplomatic career can access the MAE CRUI funds that allow them to do three-month apprenticeships abroad at embassies and permanent offices of international organizations.

If you are interested, contact the Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali (International Relation Office) of your university. We also advise you to visit the website first to look at the projects each University offers.

To get benefits and contributions, go to the webpage of the Azienda Regionale per il Diritto agli studi superiori - ER.Go (Regional Agency for the Right to higher education).

Would you like to study in a non-EU country? This is not only possible but also highly enriching. Clearly you need a visa to take classes, for i., in America, Australia or Cina. The necessary timeframe and procedures to obtain the visa can vary based on the country you want to go to.
You can find all the necessary information on this site.

And now, we can only wish you… a safe journey!



If you earned academic degrees in Italy, they will be recognized also in the Country where you want to continue your studies but the procedures can vary greatly from country to country.

In countries which have signed a bilateral agreement with Italy about the recognition of academic degrees, you will obtain the full equivalency of your degree; in other cases it will be necessary to apply to the competent office of the country to get your academic degree recognized.

If you need more information, go to the website Centro di Informazione sulla Mobilità e le Equivalenze Accademiche (Information Center for the Mobility and Academic s Equivalencies). In order to get information on the recognition of qualifications abroad, you can contact the Student Office (Admission Office) and the international student offices of foreign universities.

Europass, a set of five documents created to make one’s skills and qualifications clearly and easily understood in Europe, was created in order to standardize the validation of the competences and qualifications within the European Union.

To get more information:


Are you in Italy to study or work and would like to improve your knowledge of our language?  Emilia-Romagna supports language training programs both through Regional social Planning and other initiatives such as:

  • Subscription of protocols and agreements with Institutions and local regional Bodies
  • Subscription of protocols and agreements with State administrative divisions.

There are many initiatives and training programs created especially for you by the Region, the municipalities, schools and by many public and private subjects
Here is a useful list of associations or institutions that you can contact to have more information about courses active in your province.